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G1 Driver Violations and Penalties

As a G1 driver in Ontario, it’s crucial to adhere to the strict licensing conditions. Any violations can lead to significant consequences, including fines, demerit points, license suspensions, and increased insurance costs. Here’s what you need to know about G1 driver violations and how they can impact you:

G1 Driver Violations:

G1 drivers must obey specific rules, including:

  • Having a “zero” blood alcohol level
  • Driving with only a licensed driver in the front seat, who must be the only passenger in the front
  • Ensuring all passengers wear seatbelts, and the number of passengers does not exceed the available seatbelts
  • Avoiding driving on 400-series highways
  • Not driving between midnight and 5:00 a.m.
  • Avoiding the use of a cell phone while driving

Violating any of these conditions can result in fines, demerit points, and a thirty (30) day driver’s license suspension.

Demerit Points and Suspensions:

  • Four (4) Demerit Points Offenses:
  • Speeding by thirty (30) kilometres or more
  • Following too closely
  • Careless driving
  • Fail to remain at the scene of an accident
  • Stunt driving

Accumulating four (4) or more demerit points leads to a thirty (30) day license suspension. Additional violations increase the suspension period and any suspension results in high-risk insurance rates for three (3) years.

  • Nine (9) Demerit Points Accumulation: Accumulating nine (9) or more demerit points leads to a sixty (60) day license suspension.

Fighting Traffic Tickets:

If you receive a traffic ticket as a G1 driver, it’s essential to consider legal representation. At our firm, we specialize in defending clients against traffic violations, working to avoid license suspensions and minimize insurance impacts. We have extensive experience in handling G1 driver violations and can provide expert advice and representation tailored to your case.

Don’t hesitate to reach out if you’re facing a traffic ticket. We’re here to help you navigate the legal process and achieve the best possible outcome.

How can we help you?

Whether you are a business owner or an individual, our team can help.

How can we help you?

Whether you are a business owner or an individual, our team can help.

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